Our mission.

At Embers Marketing, we're captivated by the power of an 'ember' - a story with the potential to ignite a passion for change.

We partner with purpose-driven organizations, maximizing their impact by sharing stories of transformation in the digital world.

My story.

The recent pandemic was a turning point for many of us. In just two years, the world I knew, where I lived on autopilot, vanished. I became aware of overlooked realities and discovered a greater purpose in everyday life.

I feel a strong connection with people who are often marginalized, and through my experiences, I've realized we have more in common than we think. Unfortunately, our focus on our differences sometimes creates barriers to empathy.

This realization led me to launch Marketing Embers, LLC, where I use my 5+ years of marketing and video production experience to support those in need. I've noticed that many individuals have started organizations to tackle pressing issues they couldn't ignore. If that's you, I would love to collaborate with you.

My ultimate goal is to assist purpose-driven organizations in making a positive impact on people who are struggling in this world. If you believe you could create a bigger difference with the right support and resources, I urge you to reach out and let's connect. Real help for real people is at stake.